Emergency pumping water main break in Montreal | Sanivac


Sanivac at the heart of emergency pumping operations during the water main break in Montreal

bris aqueduc montréal -Sanivac

Last Friday, Montreal was struck by a major water main break, the cause of which is still undetermined. This incident caused an impressive water leak, transforming the street into a towering geyser reaching several meters high. This disaster flooded numerous businesses and residences, cutting off electricity to hundreds of homes and causing major disruptions to traffic in the area. The situation even affected some media outlets based in the region, including Bell Media, the owner of RDS and Noovo.

Sanivac Called to Action: An Emergency Response for Bell Media

At noon, Bell Media contacted Sanivac for an urgent intervention to remove the water from their facilities. Aware of the gravity of the situation, we immediately mobilized all available teams and sent out a call to all our employees willing to assist throughout the evening and night. Bell Media’s facilities, including several floors and essential equipment, were submerged, threatening to paralyze their operations for an indefinite period.

It is important to note that this event occurred exactly one week after the major floods that hit the province during Hurricane Debby. Our teams, having worked tirelessly throughout the previous weekend and week to handle emergencies, once again stepped up, ready to face another major operation.

An Unprecedented Mobilization

From Friday afternoon into the evening, Sanivac deployed a total of 42 vehicles on-site, with more than fifty determined employees working to overcome the flooding. For 36 hours straight, our teams tirelessly pumped water to dry out Bell Media’s premises. This operation, of an unprecedented scale for Sanivac, required exemplary coordination, particularly in strategically positioning the trucks to optimize the pumping operations.

Despite accumulated fatigue and logistical challenges, our employees demonstrated unwavering determination. Their dedication allowed the water to be removed in record time, a feat that would have been impossible without the collective commitment of our teams. We were also able to count on the support of our sister company, Excavac, based in Saint-Hyacinthe, which joined our efforts on the ground.

A Collective Achievement: Teamwork at the Core of Sanivac

What we experienced this weekend was an exceptional moment of solidarity and determination. Our employees sacrificed their rest and valuable family time to respond to this emergency call. What makes this achievement even more impressive is the fact that several of them were also dealing with floods at their own homes, but this did not stop them from mobilizing to help. This unprecedented situation showed how much we can rely on our team in the most critical moments.

Beyond the technical skills deployed, it was the teamwork, solidarity, and dedication that enabled Sanivac to succeed in this mission. Our teams worked relentlessly, despite the fatigue, to overcome this flooding in record time. The presence of our sister company, Excavac, based in Saint-Hyacinthe, on the ground was also crucial in this collective effort. Their support helped reinforce our response capacity, offering an even faster and more effective solution.

Sanivac: A United Company in the Face of Challenges

This event is unprecedented for us, both in terms of the scale of the operation and the number of vehicles and personnel mobilized simultaneously. But it is also a reminder of what makes Sanivac strong: a united team, ready to respond in any circumstance. Our employees not only worked tirelessly, but they also kept smiling and maintained a positive attitude throughout this intervention, despite the fatigue and long hours spent on-site.

We are extremely grateful for their dedication and team spirit. Without them, this achievement would not have been possible. We are also wholeheartedly with the businesses and residents affected by these floods, whether in Montreal or elsewhere in the province over the past few weeks. The efforts made by our teams are a testament to the solidarity and resilience that lie at the heart of Sanivac’s culture.

This episode will be remembered as a shining example of what we can accomplish together. Thanks to the commitment of our teams, we were able to avoid an even greater disaster and allow Bell Media’s activities to resume quickly.

Curious to Learn More?

If you want to learn more about our pumping and cleaning services, or if you need emergency assistance, don’t hesitate to visit our website to discover the full range of our services. Sanivac is available 24/7 to respond to all your emergencies, always ready to act quickly to provide you with peace of mind.


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